Tu Jaane Na (so I will tell you)

My dear friends!

Thank you so much for your prayers on my behalf for my India trip. God has definitely answered in every way!

Praise God for health: I felt better over the second week of the trip, though my companions got sick then. At least one of us of the group was always healthy.

Praise God for gospel love: I love my new auntie! On our last day, she asked me what I thought the meaning of life was and started talking about her beliefs. I shared about my being a Christian and gave her a gospel tract as a departing gift. Pray she reads it with an open heart and that God would use this encounter to bring her closer to Himself.

Praise God for safety: It was difficult for us to get around and we had to travel through some dangerous situations. I actually elbow jabbed a guy off me and Michelle was hit by a car, but thank God we remained unscathed. God truly protected and guided us everywhere

Thank Him and thank you for your faithful prayers! Be encouraged :)

p.s. I've titled my emails with a song relating to each of my messages. It's just my thinking to put a soundtrack with my trip to India. Be entertained ;)

First email: Jai Ho! means "Victory to Thee." It's the soundtrack of the movie, Slumdog Millionaire, and the only idea of India I had at the time. I must say the trip has changed my initial views of India in certain ways.

Today's email: Tu Jaane Na means "You Don't Know." I heard this song everywhere in India. I just love it!... and her dress too teehee.


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